Question: geographic_location:
Found in Ft. Davis, TX I have a picture of an abnormality
on a prickly pear cactus growing in central Ft. Davis, TX.
It appears to be a growth on the host cactus. It is dark green in color and has a soft, non sharp, surface
that seems to mimic spines.
Answer: This is a monstrous
prickly pear.This deformity happens very rarely in nature.
I have only seen two other in the wild. One in South Florida
and the other out side of San Saba Texas. This seems to
occur in plants when there is a DNA mess up or when the
plant has been damaged by a bite from some type insect.
Most of this type of deformity is very
weak and will not stand as much cold or long dry spells
as the mother plant. It sure is a wonderful plant and I
would like to obtain
cutting for my Texas prickly pear collection. If you would
like to discuss this plant or other cactus with me contact
me at Claude Townsend C & E Cactus & Things Nursery
in San Antonio, Texas.