
1. Q: I tasted a fruit called "nispero" or "sapodilla" on a trip to Costa Rica. I found this fruit tree listed in a catalog of an internet mail-order place in Fort Lauderdale Florida. I am wondering if I could grow this tree in a container inside and expect any edible fruit to result. I have a sunny room with 10' ceilings.

A: Sapodilla is the common name for an American Tropical evergreen tree (Sapota achras, formerly Achras sapota) which attains 50 feet or more and bears abundant scurfy, brown fruits which when mellow-ripe contain yellowish, translucent, melting, sweet flesh. It is popularly cultivated in Mexico and the West Indies, naturalized in the southern tip of Florida, and often grown in souther gardens, especially those with fertile sandy loam soils. Trees are planted 30 feet apart. This is not to be confused with sapote. Now, as far as growing it in a sunny location in the house to prevent freezing, you would also have as much luck with an AVOCADO TREE or a MANGO TREE -- you will have to wait until your next trip down South to enjoy this fruit again. Trees in the living room DON'T MAKE IT!!!

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