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I have a question about bermudagrass. I live in Fayetteville , North Carolina, the season for growing bermudagrass is over. But with stores cutting there prices, is it feasible to purchase a large quantity now and save it for next year? How should it be stored in the garage or house? The best price I've seen so far is 5 pounds(2,500 square feet) for $5.23. Is there a site on the internet where a can buy bermuda grass? Also, I was thinking about planting some winter grass, to choke out my crabgrass. What is your recommendation?

Bermuda grass seed should be stored in a cool, dry place and should lose about 15-20% germination per year. Of course, you cannot be assured that you are purchasing this year's seed either. You will come out way head of the game if you purchase "good deal" bermuda grass seed, store it, knowing you will lose some germination percentage on it, and sow the old seed thicker than normal than you will to mail-order bermuda seed. You can overseed with an annual rye for winter but I doubt if that will "choke out your crabgrass". Please see the information about overseeding bermuda turf at the PLANTanswers site:


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