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Milberger's Nursery and Landscaping
3920 North Loop 1604 E.
San Antonio, TX 78247

Open 9 to 6 Mon. through Sat.
and 10 to 5 on Sun.

Three exits east of 281, inside of 1604
Next to the Diamond Shamrock station
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By W. H. Friend, Associate County Agent- Citrus

Rio Grande Valley


Revised and Edited By:

Dr. C. Wayne Hanselka

Area Range Specialist, Texas Agricultural Extension Service

Corpus Christi, Texas 1980




ANACAHUITA (Wild Olive) Cordia boisseri (Boraginaceae). A small, spreading flowering, evergreen tree with large, dull gray-green, course, ovate leaves; fairly large, crinkled, white flowers in clusters throughout the year which are followed by creamy-white sweetish fruits about the size of olives. The fruits are used in the preparation. of a cough. remedy.


ANAQUA (Knock Away) Ehretia anacua (Boraginaceae). A native evergreen, round headed tree having thick, rough, dark-green, elliptic leaves; a profusion of small, fragrant, white flowers in the spring which are followed by numerous oblong tan berries that turn red when mature. The wood is heavy, close grained, light brown. It is said to be termite. resistant and is useful in the construction of jacales. Leaf infusion is said to be useful in. treatment of ringworm.  


ASH, RIO GRANDE or MEXICAN (Fresnos) Fraxinus berlandieri (Oleaceae). A rapid growing, thornless, deciduous, shade tree having greenish-gray bark and glossy smooth leaflets in groups of three to five. This species leafs out earlier in the spring and holds it leaves later in the fall than other ash trees.


BRAZIL (Brazilwood; Bright Green Ebony) Condalia obovata (Rhamnaceae), evergreen shrubby tree having small, bright, light-green, obovate leaves; numerous short thorns; inconspicuous small flowers which are followed by numerous succulent purplish. berries that are relished by birds and children. The heartwood is used to produce a blue dye and the beautifully colored wood is prized by cabinet makers.


CATSCLAW (Tree Acacia; La de Cato) Acacia greggii (Leguminosae). A spreading tree having numerous brown or reddish brachlets armed with short stout spines (Catclaws); small feathery, doubly compound leaves (about 1/4 inch in length); fragrant yellowish small flowers in clusters or spikes during the summer which are followed by twisted pods two to four inches long containing six to eight nearly round, flattened, dark brown, shiny seeds. Valuable honey plant. Wood is heavy, very hard, strong, close grained, durable, clear brown or dark red in. color.


CHAPOTE (Texas Persimmon; Possum Plum) Diospyros texa m (Ebenaceae). A medium sized, semi-evergreen tree having very light colored grayish bark; very dark green, oblong leaves; small, white, bell-shaped flowers in spring which are followed by purplish, plum-like fruits that are relished by children and birds. The fruits are used in making hair dye.


COMA (Chicle Tree; Ironwood) Bumelia schottii (B.angustifolia) (Saptaceae). A small, round-topped, evergreen tree having small, shining, dark green, spatulate leaves; clusters of greenish flowers borne along the branches (in fall) which are followed by oblong dark blue fruits 3/4 inch long that contain chicle.  


COMA (Chittamwood; False Buckthorn) Bumelia lanuosa (Sapotaceae). A small, shrubby, evergreen tree having short stiff branches terminating in stout thorns; smooth, wedge-shaped leaves; greenish-white flowers borne along the branches which are followed by succulent black fruits.


COLORIN (Coral Tree) Erythrina arborea Leguminosae), A small deciduous tree having bright green, three lobed, trifoliate leaves; showy spikes of rosy-red, closed, pea-shaped flowers which are followed by black bean-like pods that split open and expose the bright red seeds. The seeds are said to have narcotics properties.


EBONY, TEXAS: Pithecellobium flexicaule (Leguminosae). A dense, thorny, evergreen tree having very dark green, small, bi-pinnate leaves; heads of cream colored, acacia-like flowers which are followed by large, hard, dark seed pods containing plump dark brown seed. Usually blooms after rains. The wood is extremely hard and dark. The seeds are roasted and eaten like peanuts.


ELM, CEDAR (Olmos) Ulmus crassifolia (Ulmaceae). A round topped, deciduous tree having spreading limbs and slender branches; small, blunt-tipped, dark green, rough, serrated leaves less than two inches long. The tough wood is used in making furniture, farm implements and fence posts.


ELM, WINGED (Olmos) Ulmus alata(Ulmaceae). Somewhat similar to Cedar Elm but with pointed-tipped smooth leaves, two to four inches long.


HACKBERRY, SMOOTH LEAFED (Palo Blanco) Celtis laevigata (Ulmaceae). A rapid growing, large, deciduous, thornless shade tree having medium sized oblong-lanceolate leaves with smooth edges; inconspicuous flowers followed by numerous small red fruits. These trees are frequently attacked by wood borers and a type of soil inhabiting fungus. Birds relish the sweetish berries.


HUISACHE, Acacia farnesiana (Leguminosae). A spreading thorny acacia tree having very dark green feathery foliage; fragrant golden-yellow "balls" of flowers (very early spring) which are followed by short, cylindrical, black seed pods.


Huisachillo (Acacia tortuosa) is a dwarf species of Huisache. A pink flowered small tree, Pink Mimosa (Mimosa fragrans) which is similar to Huisache in general appearance, is occasionally found in moist areas in Southwest Texas.


MESQUITE, Prosopis glandulosa (Leguminosae). A gnarled, deciduous tree having rough bark.; some spines; dark green pinnate foliage; elongated, cream-colored catkin‑ like flowers which are followed by numerous long, cylindrical, bean-like pods that contain 10 to 20 seeds enclosed in a thick sweet pulp. Mesquite beans are used by native peoples as food and are also valuabel as feed for livestock. The dark reddish wood is used for fuel and making fence posts.


PALO VERDE (Short Leaf Retama) Cercidium macrum (floridum) (Leguminosae). A spreading, somewhat thorny tree having bright green bark; very short, deep-green leaves; showy, bright yellow Retama-like flowers with a touch of red at the base of the petals which are followed by rather short, flat, tan seedpods. Texas Palo Verde (Cercidium texanum) is more bush-like in its habit of growth and is very thorny.


RETAMA (Jerusalem Thorn) Parkinsonia aculeata (Leguminosae). A rapid, growing evergreen, thorny tree having dark green bark; bright green, long, slender, feathery leaves, a profusion of showy yellow flowers having a touch of red at the base of the petals which are followed by cylindrical seed pods about three inches long that are constructed between the seeds.


RUE PLANT (Torchwood; Berretta china) Amyris madrensis (Rutaceae). An upright growing, evergreen, thornless tree having dark. green, crinkled, pinnate leaves; small white flower heads which are followed by small reddish-brown fruits. The aromatic leaves are used in making tea and as a tonic.


SABINO (Mexican Cypress) Taxodium mucronatum (Pinaceae). A tall growing pyramidal semi-deciduous cypress tree having long horizontal branches; very fine, feathery foliage; inconspicuous flowers which are followed by small seed bearing cones. A beautiful shade tree--distinctly different from Bald Cypress.


TEPEHUAJE (Lead tree) Leucaena pulverulenta (Leguminosae). A rapid growing, large, spreading, thornless, evergreen tree having ferny foliage; creamy-white "balls" of acacia like flowers which are followed by a profusion of dark-brown flattened pods that contain numerous seeds. A closely related species, L. glauca, produces such an abundance of seed that it must be classed as nuisance tree.


TEXAS PALMETTO PALM, Sabel texana (Palmaceae). This native Texas Palmetto palm is an upright fan palm having blue-green fan leaves. The trunks of the young palms are attractively laced or booted with the green leafy petioles which remain firm and green on the palm trunk for several years. Resistant to cold and wind.


WILLOW, BLACK, Salix nigra (Salicaceae). A large, spreading, deciduous, thornless tree having willowy branches and long-lanceolate, dark green leaves. Brittle Willow (Salix fragilis) smaller growing tree having lighter colored branches and very brittle wood.


WILLOW, DESERT or FLOWERING. Chilopsis linearis (Bignoniaceae). A medium sized, evergreen, thornless tree having willow-like foliage and lavender trumpet‑ shaped flowers which are followed by winged seed. Occasional trees of this species have white flowers.


ALGERITA (Agarita, Agrito, wild currant, Laredo mahonia). Mahonia trifoliolata (Berberidaceae). Evergreen shrub to 10 ft. in height with stiff, spiny, holly‑ like leaves. Small yellow flowers in early spring followed by red, aromatic berry in June. Said to be the earliest South Texas shrub to anticipate spring. The berries are used for jellies and wines.


BABY BONNETS, Coursetia axillaris (Leguminosae). A medium-sized thornless bush. having numerous small leaves and small, pinkish, pea-shaped flowers which are followed by flat bean pods.


BEE BRUSH (White Brush; Vara dulce) Allojsia ligustrina (Verbenaceae). An evergreen upright shrub (up to 7 feet high) having small, aromatic, medium green, narrow leaves; brittle, whitish, willowy branches and spikes of small white, migonette scented flowers.


CENIZO (Sensia; Barometer Bush) Leucophyllum frutescens (texamum) (Scrophulariaceae). A popular evergreen shrub having. small, silver-gray, soft, oval leaves; a profusion of snap dragon-like flowers which range in color from white to deep lavender. The blossoms appear following rains.


CHILIPITIN (Bush Pepper) Capsicum frutescens. Low undershrub to 5 feet high with a broad spreading top, woody toward base. Dull green leaves ovate with acute apex. Solitary small white flowers followed by green obovate fruit. Turns orange to red as it matures. Fruit pungently hot to taste. Used for seasoning and by birds.


CIGARETTE BUSH (Muiele) Cuphea mierhaRttla (Lythraceae). A medium sized, thornless evergreen shrub having medium green, smooth., ovate leaves and showy, orange-red, tubular flowers. Probably an escape from Mexico.


CITHAREXYLUM (Zitherwood) Citharexylum berlandieri (Verbenaceae). A medium sized evergreen shrub having, dull green ovate leaves; terminal spikes of small white flowers which are followed by spikes of showy, crowded, orange red berries. Another species of Citharexylum (C. brachyanthum) produces numerous flowers spikes but very few berries.


COLIMA (lima pricly ash) Xanthoxylum fagara (Rutaceaae) Someetimes called Uña de Gato because of its numerous recurved thorns. A multiple branches, thorny shrub having glossy, dark green, aromatic, pinnate leaves; small greenish-yellow (winter) flowers, which have the fragrance of orange blossoms, that are followed by small yellow-red fruits that have a citrus odor.


GUAJILLO, Acacia berlandieri (Leguminasae). A large spreading shrub having dark green, fern-like foliage; a few prickly thorns; white acacia-like flowers during the winter season which are followed by seed pods containing a few shiny brown seed about the size of English peas. This is an excellent honey plant and is valued as a browse crop.


GRANJENO, Celtis pallida (Ulmacae). A large, deciduous, thorny shrub having numerous upright, stiff branches; medium sized, dull green rough, ovate leaves; numerous, inconspicuous, small flowers which are followed by orange-red fruits. The fruits are used in making "algerito" jelly.


GUAYACAN (Soapbush) Porliera angustifolia (Zygophyllaceae). A compace, dense, evergreen shrub having dark, grayish-green, small, linear leaves; small purple flowers which are followed by heart-shaped red seed capsules. The oily wood is used in producing rollercasters for furniture. The root is used as a substitute for soap.


HIBISCUS, SILVER LEAF, Hibiscus cardiophyllus (Malvaceae). A small native hibiscus having soft grayish-green, heart-shaped leaves, attractive bright red flowers (about two inches in diameter) which are followed by tan bolls that contain a number of black seeds.


LANTANA, Common, Lantana camara var. horrida (Verbenaceae). A spreading spiny shrub having rough, dark-green, serrated, ovate, aromatic. leaves; numerous verbena-like orange and red flower clusters which are followed by succulent purple berries. Other native species are: L. involucrate (white flowered) and L. macro­poda (lavender flowered). These are much smaller and weaker growing species.


MANZANITA (Barbados Cherry: Wild Crepe Myrtle) Malpigha glabra (Malpighiaceae). A medium sized evergreen shrub having small, glossy, dark green leaves; small, crinkled, rose-pink, crepe myrtle-like flowers; and small, glossy, red cherry like fruits. There are several types of the native malpighias, some of which are quite dwarf.


MESCAL BEAN (Purple Mountain Laurel) Sophora secundiftora (leguminosae), A large evergreen shrub having glossy, dark green, leaflets; clusters of showy, purple, intensely fragrant, pea-shaped flowers which are followed by large seed pods containing bright red bean-shaped seed. The seeds are said to have narcotic properties. Also called Frijolito.


MORNING GLORY, TEXAS BUSH, Ipomoea crassicaulis (Convolvulaceae). A large evergreen bush having large, ovate, dull green leaves; large, lavender to pink, morning glory flowers which are followed by wooly seed capsules.


PLUMBAGO, WHITE, Plumbago scandens (Plumbaginaceae). A soft stemmed spreading shrub having light green ovate leaves and white phlox-like flower clusters.


SAGE, SHRUBBY BLUE, Salvia hallotaeflora (Labiatae). A small evergreen shrub (about three feet high) having small, light green, ovate, aromatic leaves and small sky blue, solitary flowers. Other native species of salvia are: Texas Red Sage (S. coccinea), Mealy Blue Sage (S. farinacea), and Great Azure Sage (S. Pitcheri).


SENNA, SHOWY, Cassia splendida (Leguminosae). A large, evergreen shrub having weeping branches; glossy, deep green, pinnate foliage with large round leaflets; showy, bright-yellow, pea-shaped flowers which are followed by cylindrical seed pods (4-5 inches long).


TURKSCAP. Malvaviscus drummondii (Malvaceae). A dwarf evergreen shrub having small dark. green, crinkled, ovate leaves and bright red tubular "Turkscap" flowers which are followed by bright red globose fruits.


WILD BOUGAINVILLEA, Pisonia aculeata (Nyctaginaceae). A very thorny evergreen shrub having glossy ovate leaves somewhat similar to bougainvillea, and clusters of greenish-white flowers.


YELLOW SOPHORA, Sophora tomentosa (Leguminosae). A spreading evergreen shrub having greenish-yellow branches, silver-gray, pinnate, velvety foliage terminal spikes of showy, yellow, pea-shaped flowers which are followed by long seed pods that are constricted between the seeds.


XYLOSMA, Sylosma celastrum (Flacourtiaceae). A very thorny, medium sized, evergreen shrub having glossy, wavy-margined, ovate leaves; numerous greenish flowers which are followed by showy spikes of succulent purple berries. The berries are used as a source of purple dye.

Scanned by Wilbur Watje in 2006. See: