Leyland Cypress

1.Q. How do we care for a Leland Cypress? Is it similar to a Bald Cypress? We bought one in a 25 gallon pot to use for a Christmas tree.

A. The Leland Cypress is an excellent choice for a living Christmas tree which should provide beauty for years to come. Even though the Leland Cypress does have the "Cypress" name, it is similar to a juniper bush than a Bald Cypress tree. It should be planted in a full sun location and will require about the same care a juniper does -- very little! Plant it as soon after the Christmas holidays as you can so it can establish a root system before spring growth begins. DO NOT let the root ball dry during its stay in the house. Dead trees do not grow well even if they are planted outside.

2. Q: We need a privacy screen from new backyard neighbors who cut down 6-8 mature trees that have been a good screen for for 20 years. Is Leland Cypress a good choice? Disease and bug free? Fast growing? Some say that Leland Cypress is susceptable to bag worms?

A: Leyland Cypress is hardy to Zone 6. It is a pyramidal tree, to 30-40 feet tall and 25 to 30 feet wide which makes it good for tall screen. It is graceful, somewhat open habit of growth. Give ample room, to allow for symmetry of growth. It grows well in a variety of soils, but prefers good drainage. It has few, if any, serious pest problems; I think your friends must have been thinking about junipers having bagworm problems. It should be a good choice for you.

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