
Basal Growth or Basal Breaks - New, heavy growth originating from the bu union of the plant. Helps renew old bushes.

Blind Shoots - Growth that matures without blooming.

Bud Eye - Origination of new growth, situated in axil of foliage and cane.

Bud Union - The area where the bud eye was grafted on the root stock.

Disbudding - Removal of side buds to leave a single bloom, or the terminal bud in a spray to make it more pleasing to the eye.

Finger Pruning - Removal of unwanted immature growth on canes.

Lateral Growth - Growth originating from a cane. (This growth is to be encouraged on most climbers for greater bloom production).

Shank - The area or portion of the rootstock between the bud union and roots.

Side Bud - A bud growing at either or both sides of the main bud or from a lower down the cane. Remove early to make a single bloom on the stem.

Terminal Bud - The first bud formed in the initial growth on a spray (cluster of blooms growing on one stem).