BASIL: Stir-fried vegetables; tomato salad; tomato soup; "overnight" pickles of marinated slices of carrot, cucumber, peppers, etc.

CHIVES: Whenever onion flavor is desired; egg salad; cooked broccoli or Brussels sprouts; marinades.

DILL: Cooked beets or cabbage; three-bean salad; coleslaw; potato salad; poaching eggs or fish; cucumber salad.

GARLIC: Green salads; vegetable salads; spinach; marinade for sauerbraten.

LEMON THYME: Mayonnaise; fish &;fish salads; stir-fry vegetables.

MINT: Stir into mayonnaise or whipped cream for fruit salad; sauce for lamb; fruit gelatin; fruit punch.

NASTURTIUM: Whenever peppery flavor is desired; pickled eggs; meats before grilling; green bean salad.

OREGANO: Scrambled eggs; salads; pizza

RASPBERRY: Spinach salad; baked pears or apples; hot chicken; meat marinade; add to yogurt for fruit salad; add to club soda, seltzer or tonic water for a refreshing drink (1 tablespoon per glass).

ROSEMARY: Pork or lamb marinade; tomato &;cucumber salad; orange & onion salad; fried potatoes; fruits.

TARRAGON & TEXAS MINT MARIGOLD: Chicken; crabmeat &;tuna salads; vegetable juice cocktail; chicken gravy; hollandaise &;bearnaise sauces; peas &;onions combined; green salads.

SALAD BURNET: Cucumber flavor without indigestion; salads; clear or potato soup.

MIXED HERB GARDEN: Crisp green salads; bean soup; cooked green beans.